Estimation and outlook on the situation in Syria and the region

maher-basharScreenshot of an undated video showing Maher and Bashar al-Assad. (France24)

Estimation and outlook on the situation in Syria and the region – (Part 6, final)

The assumption
So where do we go from here? Our estimations are based on the assumption that regional and international powers have come to the conclusion not to remove Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in order to ward off a bigger catastrophe in the region.

Is he going to restore his power? Difficult to say.

The balance of power seems to have tipped, yes. But neither is the war won nor will he have the free hand, he had before. Assad is heavily indebted to Hezbollah, Iran and Russia now.

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SYRIEN – “Assads Protokollchef schließt sich Rebellen an”

DISQUS Kommentar zu: “Assads Protokollchef schließt sich Rebellen an” (WELT Online)

Laut Medienberichten in Beirut hat der mutmaßlich Geflohene seine Flucht gegenüber libanesischen Medien dementiert.

Sollte er geflohen sein, würde das keinen großen Unterschied machen. Der verstorbene Präsident Hafez al-Assad hat seine Macht so ausgebaut, dass sie einem eben solchen Szenario standhält, das sich seit vergangenem Jahr entfaltet.

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