Estimation: 2014 – Year of turnarounds in the Middle East (Part 2)

hariri-netherlands-aFormer Prime Minister Saad Hariri stunned his fellow countrymen with his readiness to build a cabinet together with his foe Hezbollah. (DW-TV)

An explosive and dangerous mixture of war and several security incidents has accumulated in the Levant. Lebanon is seen by many in the “eye of the storm”. We don’t think such is on the horizon for the time being.

With its engagement in Syria, Iran has carved out chances to broaden its influence in the region. It cannot dominate, but it has manoeuvred itself in position to force others into making significant concessions. A new balance of power is being established that could safe the region from catastrophe.

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LIBANON/UN – Hisbollah verweigert Finanzierung des Sondertribunals für Libanon (STL)

Quelle im Umfeld der Hisbollah Organisation: Hisbollah verweigert Finanzierung des Sondertribunals für Libanon (STL) und wird diese Position erneut bestätigen, wenn das Thema im Kabinett diskutiert wird. (An Nahar)

Analyse: Beobachter erwarten in den kommenden Tagen und Wochen größere Konfrontationen zwischen Hisbollah und Premierminister Najib Mikati, der sich öffentlich und international für die Finanzierung des STL ausgesprochen hat, an dem Libanon laut Resolution 1757 des UN-Sicherheitsrats 49 Prozent des Gesamtbudgets tragen muss.

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