ISRAEL/SYRIA – Warning Syria (Jerusalem Post)

mount hermonScreenshot taken from JN1.TV

DISQUS comment on: “Warning Syria” (Jerusalem Post)

“Following reported Israeli attacks, forces seem to be concentrating to threaten relative quiet that has characterized Syrian border.” (JPost)

Estimation: It is difficult to believe that the Assad government will open another front now.

The Syrian government – by all public accounts – seems to stand at the beginning of the winning street.

Dragging in Israel and consequently the US, which against their public talk can both live well with Assad, does not make sense.

The Russians keep Assad alive. They are organising their comeback in the Middle East, filling the void the US has left.

They would not agree on another front since that would jeopardize their comeback efforts that need calm and time and not chaos in the Levant.

All those never heard before “resistance” organisation bear the usual trademark of deniability Syria has used in the past.

The hits on Mount Hermon in the Golan Heights seem to be the utmost but still safe reaction the Syrian government could dare without getting another severe Israeli answer.

If reason still rules in Damascus – and unreasonable people usually don’t withstand a two-year long and devastating uprising – the government of President Bashar al-Assad won´t go further than that.